The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is a self-administered and clinically-validated tool to screen for depression, and also to diagnose and monitor the severity of the condition. Anyone can take the PHQ-9 and receive actionable results.


Each “not at all” response is scored as 0; each “several days” response is 1; each “more than half the days” response is 2, and each “nearly every day” response is 3. The sum value of these responses gives you your total score.

  • 1-4: This is considered minimal depression, which suggests that the respondent may not need depression treatment.

  • 5-9: This is considered mild depression. In response to this result, healthcare providers can use their clinical judgment about treatment based on the duration and severity of symptoms.

  • 10-14: This is considered moderate depression. Similar to mild depression, healthcare providers can use their clinical judgment and knowledge of the patient to determine a course of treatment.

  • 15-19: This is considered moderately severe depression.

  • 20-27: This is considered severe depression.

Although a PHQ-9 score can tip you off to the presence of depression, our therapists use additional criteria before making a diagnosis or prescribing a course of treatment.